So here is a fairytale for you. Once upon a time this Norwegian woman named Mona found her muse; not any type of muse, a blogger, which she just happen to stumble upon. Finding her sense of style so captivating, forgetting about time and dimension she sat there for hours upon hours browsing page up and page down, whilst 'Prince Inspiration' galloped in on his white horse.
Time went by, and Mona just couldn't seem to get this wondrous blogger off her mind, so she decided to contact her.. with a proposal. "Will you make a jewellery line with me?" Mona asked.. Politely she was turned down by the blogger, who replied: "But I know nothing about designing jewellery.."
That didn't stop Mona, she is Scandinavian afterall.. Venturing out on her own, inspired like never before she concocted a line of jewellery never before seen.. and she called it:
Limited Gold edition by Tom Wood
Since then, reality has really turned into a fairytale for Mona. From launching her first jewellery collection in 2013, which has resulted in disciples from all corners of the world, to her biggest achievement yet to be launched; The aspired collaboration with her muse - HEROINE by Tom Wood.
FYI, Mona's muse is no other than the sartorial virtuoso Evangelie Smyrniotaki, the creator of Style Heroine - the ultimate Queen of Simplicity and the colour black!
So my dear fellow monochrome minimalists out there, sit down, scroll down, and get enthralled by this match made in the sartorial heaven!
A big worshiping-thank-you to Mona Jensen and Evangelie Smyrniotaki for their brilliant designer minds:
Photography by Jordan Makarof
From top to bottom: HEROINE Jumpsuit / Leather, HEROINE Jumpsuit, HEROINE Coat, HEROINE Pant / Leather & HEROINE Shirt, HEROINE Jumper & HEROINE Skirt / Leather, Fathers Shirt, HEROINE Jumper Long.
HEROINE by Tom Wood will be launched end of October and will mainly be available in Norway including Kemt & YME and in Denmark Moshi Moshi & Støy Munkholm.
BUT, don't panic just yet Scandimaniacs, Støy Munkholm in Denmark ships globally!!
Like most other fairytales there is always 'The End' part... But this fairytale has barely begun and I'm hoping for neverending chapters to come.. So for this one let's say:
'To be continued'